When is Endodontic Treatment Necessary?
There can be only few things that are worse than a tooth pain like the one that’s extreme and refuses to go away even after few days. If you’re experiencing unusually severe tooth pain, swelling around the tooth, and gum tenderness, you may need a root canal treatment. A root canal is also known as endodontic treatment and is one of the best procedures for treating a tooth whose roots and pulp are infected or destroyed. Let’s explore more about the treatment.
What is Endodontic Treatment?
Endodontic treatment in Mississauga which is also known as root canal is a treatment that repairs an infected or damaged tooth. It can happen in one single session or may take two or three sessions, depending on the condition of your tooth. The dentist cleans the pulp from the tooth by clearing away any abscess that occurred by the roots of the tooth.
The Nerve of the Tooth is Exposed
There are many reasons why you may need an endodontic treatment in ON. One of the reasons is when the nerve of the tooth is exposed. Nerve exposure can occur for a number of reasons. You may have suffered from the tooth trauma that exposed the nerve. The endodontic treatment will treat the infected area and ensure that you don’t experience pain any more. The Mississauga dentist will clean out the nerve of the tooth. The tooth will still be functional but you won’t feel hot or cold.
Severe Tooth Decay
Another sign that you need to get endodontic treatment is if your tooth is suffering from severe tooth decay. Tooth decay is at the top of the tooth but can extend to the roots and leads to an abscess in the lower area. The dentist will clear away the decay during root canal procedure.
Pain from Pressure
You may also need a root canal when you experience pain when there is pressure on your tooth. The pain can be caused by chewing or pressing the teeth together. After the procedure, you may feel sensitivity but it is nowhere close to the pain by pressure.