Veneers – All You Need To Know About Them
Cosmetic dental services in Mississauga introduced an advanced method of protecting the teeth. This treatment is known as veneer treatment. Veneers are a thin film of plastic that bond with the teeth. The films give the teeth an attractive look and your denture stays protected as well.
You are most likely to hear positive reviews about the treatment of different patients. It is highly recommended by dentists as well. Veneers are an attractive option and deformities like cracked, chipped, or broken teeth are camouflaged as well.
What Are the Types of Veneers?
You may hear porcelain veneers commonly but these little mercies come in several different forms. You can choose the best one for you. Here is a list of those few kinds.
Composite veneers
The application of composite veneers requires just one visit. The repair of these veneers has an easy procedure as well. You get an attractive smile in just one go. The dentist will manufacture composite veneers in front of you. You do not have to visit several times for the completion of this process.
Porcelain Veneers
The porcelain veneers are durable and long-lasting. Their reliability cannot be doubtful. The most compelling feature of the dental porcelain veneers is that they are manufactured in front of the patient. They are applied to the teeth there and then. The results of these veneers are highly satisfying. Porcelain may vary in shade but the dentist will first match the shade of veneers with the shade of teeth. If both are the same, they are applied permanently.
Removable veneers
As the name suggests, these veneers are removable. You get more comfort and camouflaged deformities with removable veneers. Dentists in Mississauga will recommend these veneers if you are not comfortable with the other options. The material used in their manufacture is called tough resin. This means that these veneers are durable as well. Your deformed teeth will instantly become attractive with removable veneers. You can give the gums some rest too.
With high durability and less application time, these veneers win the game. You may also call them the brand for veneers. They provide you greater comfort and enhance your look. Your teeth may need just a little bit of preparation or no preparation at all for Lumineers. The film is extra thin and there is no use of numbing the site of action.
Which Veneers Are Best For Me
Deciding the right kind of veneers is easy if you know all the types. You can give the below-mentioned tips a thorough need if you need guidance on choosing the best alternative.
Visit a dentist before jumping to conclusions. You may need dental crowns instead of veneers.
Assure yourself of the problems you might be having. Without knowing the exact problem, deciding the type of veneer is nearly impossible. The attractive name should not be the base of your decision. Gather information first then choose. Veneers with longer lifespan and durability may be an effective choice.
What Is the Process of Dental Veneers?
The process of installing dental veneers in Mississauga ON has the following steps.
The dentist will do an x-ray of your teeth. The x-ray will help the dentist for better diagnosis. If there is an infection spreading in the teeth, cleaning and dental implants may be recommended before veneers. If not, the procedure is continued.
The surgical site will be numbed using local anesthesia. The teeth are first shaped which is painful. Therefore, anesthetizing is necessary. The shape of your teeth will be sent to the laboratory for the preparation of veneers. The manufacturer requires two to three weeks.
On the next visit, the thin film will be temporarily placed to match the color of veneers and the teeth. If there is no difference, the film adheres permanently on the teeth. A beam of light is used for better adhesion.
What Are the Benefits of Veneers?
Here are some benefits of veneers other than durability and reliability. You get an attractive look without any pain and multiple visits. Your beautiful smile stays in its original shape because all the deformities have been camouflaged. The treatment lasts longer and there are no aftercare tips to follow.
Dr. Jeff Levman is the best dentist known in town for providing dental veneer treatment. The dentists at our facility will guide you, comfort you, and provide the best treatments. Contact us now for an oral check up.